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Cosumnes River College

Black History Month

Join us this February in celebrating Black History Month: African Americans and Labor.

Scholarship Season

Over $500K in scholarships are available to Los Rios students. Apply by March 7!

Enroll in Spring Classes

Classes have started, but there's still time to enroll for spring 2025!

SAFE Los Rios

Safe Los Rios is a safety communications tool for students and employees. Learn more and download the app today!


The CRC Art Gallery presents works by Patty Felkner, Jim West, and former students, from Jan. 30-Feb. 20.

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Pen next to calculator


This program provides training for entry-level employment in private industry, government accounting or for self-employment as a provider...


Colorful notes with the words Public Relations

Advertising/Public Relations

This CRC program is part of CRC's offerings in Radio, Television and Film Production and is designed for students interested in careers in...

Advertising/Public Relations

An agricultural field being watered


Agriculture is a vital component of our local, state, and national economies and offers many exciting employment opportunities.


Farm equipment gleaning a field

Agriculture Business

Agriculture is a vital component of our local, state, and national economies and offers many exciting employment opportunities.

Agriculture Business

A student learning health skills in a medical environment

Allied Health

This program offers core pre-health courses designed for students enrolled in the Health Information Technology, Medical Assisting...

Allied Health

A woman feeding hay to a horse

Animal Science

This program offers courses designed for students in the Agriculture Business, Veterinary Technology, and Equine Science programs.

Animal Science

Cave paintings


The goal of Anthropology is to study the similarities and differences in biological and cultural adaptations and features across the globe...


A student working on blueprints on a computer

Architecture Design Technology

The Interior Building Architecture Program provides students with a background in Architectural Drafting.

Architecture Design Technology

Rolls of blueprints


This program offers students study and job-related experience in architectural drafting, construction techniques, design, rendering, and...


Two hands holding a palette of colorful paint and a brush


CRC's art curriculum offers introductory and intermediate level courses in painting, watercolor, digital art, drawing, sculpture, ceramics...


Students working under the hood of a car

Automotive Mechanics Technology

The Automotive Mechanics Technology program emphasizes developing skills required for efficient diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of the...

Automotive Mechanics Technology

A computer image of DNA


CRC's Biology program includes courses for students transferring to nursing, allied health, or life science programs.


A person holding multiple microphones and taking notes

Broadcast Journalism

This CRC program introduces students to the field of broadcast journalism and prepares them for jobs, internships or transfer to a...

Broadcast Journalism

A person in safety clothing inspecting a building

Building Inspection Technology

The Building Inspection Technology program has been developed to prepare individuals for employment in building inspection.

Building Inspection Technology

Four people wearing business clothes talking at a table


CRC's business programs are designed to provide an entrance into an exciting career.


A microscope image of a chemical chain


All chemistry courses at CRC include a practical component where students conduct hands-on chemical experimentation in a modern...


A stack of books next to a laptop

Communication Studies

The role of communication in the workplace today has grown in importance, and workplace communication competencies are increasingly in...

Communication Studies

A middle-aged Black man sitting in a classroom

Community Services Education

Our Community Services offerings enable you to improve the quality of your life through lifelong learning. These fee-based classes are...

Community Services Education

Woman standing next to large computer servers

Computer Information Science

CRC computer information science programs include study in computer programming, information systems security, computer networking...

Computer Information Science

Construction workers on the roof of a house


The Construction Technology programs at CRC are preparing students for work in new construction, remodel, and energy auditing industries.


Two students in hardhats looking at building plans

Construction Management Technology

This CRC program offers training of management-level employees for the construction industry, as well as preparation for transfer to a...

Construction Management Technology

Students working in a kitchen culinary school setting

Culinary Arts Management

This program provides training for employment in commercial culinary service operations.

Culinary Arts Management

Two people signing together

Deaf Culture and American Sign Language Studies

CRC offers courses in Deaf Studies designed to introduce students to Deaf Culture and American Sign Language Studies.

Deaf Culture and American Sign Language Studies

A person working with a sonogram device

Diagnostic Medical Sonography

The CRC Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS) Program includes didactic, laboratory, and practicum components that are structured to...

Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Hands working on a keyboard

Digital Media

This two-year instructional program is designed to provide skills for industry and for degree or transfer.

Digital Media

Young children at a picnic table outdoors

Early Childhood Education

The Early Childhood Education degrees and certificates offer an interactive approach to acquiring the knowledge, skills, and disposition...

Early Childhood Education

Two people working over spreadsheets and graphs


Economic studies analyze how people and societies produce various commodities and distribute them for consumption, now or in the future.


A teacher in front of raised hands in a classroom


The Education/Teaching program is designed for students who wish to be teachers in public and private elementary schools.


An operating room with medical equipment

Emergency Medical Technology

The Emergency Medical Technician Program is designed to fulfill the entrance requirements (along with one year of work experience) for many...

Emergency Medical Technology

Black and white building plans


Engineering involves the application of scientific and mathematical principles used in design and in the solution of practical technical...


A red book titled English


The English department teaches skills that are universal to every other discipline.


A diverse group of students in an ESL classroom

English as a Second Language

CRC offers a comprehensive ESL program with courses in grammar, listening/speaking, pronunciation, reading, and writing designed to provide...

English as a Second Language

A group of diverse students peeking around a stack of books

Ethnic Studies

Ethnic Studies is an interdisciplinary and diverse field that gives voice to historically marginalized peoples and their perspectives by...

Ethnic Studies

A family sitting together on a couch

Family and Consumer Science

Cosumnes River College's course offerings in Family & Consumer Science are designed primarily to provide knowledge and skills in the areas...

Family and Consumer Science

A film clapboard and reel of film

Film and Media Studies

Film and Media Studies is designed to develop critical thinking and screenwriting skills while fostering a humanistic and social scientific...

Film and Media Studies

People on a film set

Film/Digital Cinema Production

This Associate of Arts degree program is designed to provide skills in film production, digital cinema, and television through the...

Film/Digital Cinema Production

Firefighters in training putting out a car fire

Fire Technology

This CRC program is designed to provide the student with updated skills and knowledge necessary to complete and successfully apply for fire...

Fire Technology

A group of students walking up stairs

General Education

Learn about our General Education programs.

General Education

A chalkboard with molecules drawn on it and chemistry beakers

General Science

Our General Science program provides a broad study in the fields of biological and physical sciences.

General Science

A globe in a classroom


Geography is the science of place and space. Geographers study the relationships among geographic places, natural systems, society...


Rose-tinted strata in a mountain side


Geology is the study of the origin and evolution of the earth, utilizing the principles of mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology.


Students practicing injections on a model

Health Education

Courses in Health Education are designed to provide students the essential information for the evaluation, protection and maintenance of...

Health Education

A stethoscope on a laptop

Health Information Technology

The CRC Health Information Technology program is designed to train health information professionals with the knowledge and skills to...

Health Information Technology

Maps and compasses


The CRC History program offers a study of history which contributes to cultural literacy and develops critical thinking skills while...


A woman wearing traditional Hmong clothing


Cosumnes River College offers the basic grammar and conversation courses in Hmong.


Four CRC students wearing Honors graduation regalia


Designed specifically for academically accomplished students or those with the potential for high academic achievement.


Rows of plants in containers


These CRC programs offer students the opportunity to blend the disciplines of horticulture, construction, drafting and business into a...


Two hands grasped together over a table of papers

Human Services

This CRC program prepares students for employment as para-professionals with agencies such as youth group homes, youth and family services...

Human Services

A bird's eye view of students at a table together

Human/Career Development

Human/Career Development courses are designed to assist students with recognizing their full potential through developing self awareness...

Human/Career Development

Student artwork in campus art gallery


This program offers an interdisciplinary approach to the study of classical, modern, American and non-Western humanities.


Students gathered together in a library

Interdisciplinary Studies

This CRC major is intended for students who wish a general background across several academic disciplines at the community college level.

Interdisciplinary Studies

A notebook and pencil and laptop on a table


The Journalism program is designed to train students in the writing, reporting and critical thinking skills required for jobs in the news...


Kinetic tape being applied to a bare shoulder


Our Kinesiology program offers a wide variety of classes, including fitness, aquatics, individual sports, team sports, intercollegiate...


Students sitting on a bench in front of a window

Liberal Arts

The Associate Degree in Liberal Arts is designed for students who wish a broad knowledge of liberal arts and sciences, plus additional...

Liberal Arts

A student looking at a book in a library


The Cosumnes River College Library courses are designed to equip students with vital research skills, enabling their success in college...


A person facilitating a meeting


This broad-based management program offers introductory courses as well as more specialized ones ranging from studies of the standard...


A collection of paper materials and the word Marketing


Marketing is a dynamic area of study that provides immediate job and career opportunities after one course or the completion of a degree...


A teacher in front of a chalkboard filled with math equations

Mathematics and Statistics

CRC’s Mathematics program offers a comprehensive mathematics curriculum addressing the needs of both transfer and non-transfer students.

Mathematics and Statistics

Hands working on a computer and calculator

Medical Assisting

The CRC Medical Assisting Program is designed to prepare competent entry-level medical assistants in the cognitive, psychomotor, and...

Medical Assisting

Student experimenting in a modern making space

Modern Making

The modern making curriculum in development at Cosumnes River College will be ideal for makers, artists, entrepreneurs, educators...

Modern Making

A music professor at a piano leading a choir class


The CRC music program includes vocal and instrumental components as well as courses on music, history theory and electronic music.


A student cooking a meal in a classroom setting


CRC’s Nutrition department offers an Associate’s Degree Program that is challenging, accessible, and rewarding.


Three students in lab coats sorting medication

Pharmacy Technology

The CRC Pharmacy Technology Program includes didactic, laboratory, and practicum components that are structured to facilitate the...

Pharmacy Technology

A statue of a man in thought


Philosophy is the logical examination of the fundamental issues people have pondered for over 2500 years.


A student taking a photo of another student


The photography program is designed to teach entry-level skills for careers in the photographic industry.


A lightbulb, electronics, and measuring devices on a table


The CRC Physics department offers a full array of transferable courses that fulfill both major and general education requirements.


A close up of hands planting tiny sprouts

Plant Science

This CRC program offers courses designed for students in the Agriculture, Agriculture Business, and Horticulture programs.

Plant Science

Flags of various nations outside a building

Political Science

The study of political science and international relations involves not only the examination of the structure of government and political...

Political Science

A jigsaw puzzle in the shape of a human head


Psychology concerns itself with the study of behavior of humans and other animals.


A person wearing headphones in front of a microphone

Radio Production

This Program concentrates on the audio portion of broadcasting, with emphasis on performing, editing, production and knowledge of radio...

Radio Production

A microphone in a recording studio

Radio, Television and Film Production

This instructional program is designed to train students for skills needed in jobs requiring basic knowledge in Radio, Television or Film...

Radio, Television and Film Production

A person holding keys and a miniature house

Real Estate

CRC offers, in addition to a Real Estate AA Degree, a variety of courses available which satisfy State of California prerequisites for Real...

Real Estate

A professional woman handing another person plane tickets


Learn about Recreation courses offered at Cosumnes River College.


A hand holding a beaker


CRC students may choose courses in the various disciplines of science to meet any of several objectives. Many courses include hands-on...


Group of students holding up social justice messages on signs

Social Justice Studies

The Social Justice Studies program will afford students the opportunity to develop a professional and scholarly approach from which to...

Social Justice Studies

Glowing icons of people and speech bubbles connected by lines

Social Science

The Social Science department offers classes in law and society and special studies in the areas of Mexican-American, Asian, and Native...

Social Science

A close-up of the word Sociology in a dictionary


CRC offers courses and a degree in the study of human behavior in society. The discipline is concerned with the study of systems and how...


A woman wearing traditional clothing


CRC offers the basic grammar and conversation courses in Spanish.


The CRC Quad and fountain

Student Government

The Student Life and Leadership Center classes are designed to help students develop their skills, knowledge, and abilities to successfully...

Student Government

A studio camera

Television Production

This program is designed to provide skills in television and film production through the preparation of projects for campus, Cable TV and...

Television Production

A scene from A Midsummer Night's Dream

Theatre and Dance Arts

The two-year programs in Theatre Arts are designed to provide students with a broad spectrum of activities in all phases of play production.

Theatre and Dance Arts

Two veterinary students helping a cat

Veterinary Technology

CRC’s Veterinary Technology program is designed to provide the student with the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a career as a...

Veterinary Technology

Three women wearing traditional Vietnamese clothing


CRC offers the basic grammar and conversation courses in Vietnamese.


A person wearing welding gear working on a project


The CRC welding program is designed for students interested in seeking employment or advancing employment in welding fabrication and...


People working at a table together

Work Experience

Work Experience Education is a unique, experiential, academic program that allows individuals to apply what they've learned in the...

Work Experience