Los Rios Compact in Support of Undocumented and DACA Students and Employees
CRC and the Los Rios colleges will continue to advocate for the rights of immigrant and undocumented communities and stand by them. The recent election results do not change the fact that everyone has a right to learn, grow, and succeed at Los Rios.
Cosumnes River College Honors Native American Heritage Month
In November, we observe National Native American Heritage Month – a time to honor the rich cultures, languages, histories, and enduring resilience of Native American Nations.
Internship Info Sessions
All students are invited to join us for virtual internship events hosted by the Los Rios Work Experience and Internship Programs.
Cosumnes River College Celebrates LGBTQ+ History Month
Celebrate LGBTQ+ history during October.
Undocumented Student Month of Action
During Undocumented Student Month of Action, learn how CRC advocates for and supports our undocumented student population.
CRC’s Child Development Center Earns Accreditation
The CRC Child Development Center (CDC) has earned accreditation through the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), with outstanding scores in all 10 program standards.
The Time is Now to Recognize Black-Serving Institutions
The Los Rios colleges have joined many other California community colleges to support California Senate Bill 1348, which creates a state “Black-Serving Institution” designation. The bill aims to support institutions that serve at least 10 percent (or a minimum of 1,500) Black students with additional resources to meet the needs of our students.
Cosumnes River College Celebrates Latinx, Chicanx, Hispanic Heritage Month
Celebrate Latinx, Chicanx, Hispanic Heritage Month September 15 through October 15.
Los Rios Invites Students to Participate in "Disability as Diversity" Poster Contest
Whether you're an artist, you have a disability, or you're simply passionate about advocating for inclusivity, we encourage everyone to participate in this poster contest aimed at celebrating and affirming disability as diversity.
Cosumnes River College Celebrates Earth Week
Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Join CRC for a week of events!
Elk Grove Center Ribbon Cutting on May 1
Join us for the dedication ceremony of the Elk Grove Center Phase II Building on Wednesday, May 1 at 1:30 pm. Building B is the first science facility at the student-centered, open-access outreach location of Cosumnes River College.
Cosumnes River College Celebrates Women's History Month
Celebrate Women's History Month during March with virtual discussions, film screenings, and more.
Cybersecurity Program Wins Top Rankings
Cosumnes River College's Cybersecurity program was ranked number seven in the nation (out of 150 schools) and the top cyber program in the state of California.
Measure A Passes, UTP Program is Extended
In a special election held October 10 and 11, 2023, a majority of Los Rios students who voted favored extending the Los Rios and Sacramento Regional Transit (RT) Universal Transit Pass (UTP) Program through December 31, 2028.
New On-Campus Dining Service Partner Starts This Fall
We are excited to announce that Pacific Dining has been selected as our new on-campus food service partner.
Free Vaccine Clinic
Cosumnes River College will be hosting free COVID-19 and flu vaccine clinics (while supplies last) throughout March and April at the CRC Student Health and Wellness Center, OPS 126.
Cosumnes River College Celebrates National TRIO Day
The fourth Saturday in February is reserved as National TRIO Day. This day is an opportunity to focus the nation's attention on the needs of disadvantaged young people and adults aspiring to improve their lives.
CRC Fire Training Program Brings VR to Firefighter Training
The CRC Fire Training program recently received 20 new VR devices that will provide fire academy students the opportunity to virtually work through challenging scenarios side-by-side with their team and instructor.
Remote Classes and Services
As a result of this week's police activity on the main campus, we are extending the remote classes and services through November 28. In-person operations will resume Tuesday, November 29.
Disney’s The Lion King Gets Help from CRC Music Professor Omari Tau
Disney’s "The Lion King" celebrated its 25th Anniversary on Broadway and CRC Professor of Vocal Music, Omari Tau was commissioned to create a new musical arrangement of the song “The Circle of Life” for the occasion.
Demand Grows for Pharmacy Tech Graduates
If you’re looking for a career with increasing demand and job opportunities, consider becoming a pharmacy technician! Pharmacy technicians are skilled health workers that operate directly under the supervision of a registered pharmacist.
Los Rios Vaccine Requirement to be Lifted for Students and Employees on November 14, 2022
The vaccine requirement will be lifted for all Cosumnes River College students and employees beginning on Monday, November 14, 2022.
CRC Early Adopter of Healthy Green Schools and Colleges Program
CRC is among the first in the nation to participate in a new program to improve indoor air quality and sustainability in school facilities.
CRC Philanthropy Donor Impact Report
We are pleased to share this report on philanthropic support of our college and to have the opportunity to convey our deepest gratitude to all the donors who have made a difference for our students, faculty, staff, and programs this year.
CRC Awarded $44 Million for Housing Grant
CRC will receive $44 million from the State of California to construct a new apartment complex for student housing, prioritizing low-income students and promoting affordable housing.
CRC Recognized for Excellence in Supporting Transfer Students
CRC is one of only 22 California community colleges recognized as a 2022 Champion of Higher Education for Excellence in Transfer by the Campaign for College Opportunity.
Cosumnes River College Accreditation Site Visits Scheduled for the Week of October 10, 2022
Cosumnes River College is undergoing a regular and comprehensive review for reaffirmation of accreditation by the ACCJC.
Local Community College Administrator Co-Authors Book on Queer and Trans Advocacy
A CRC administrator has co-authored a new book from Information Age Publishing, “Queer & Trans Advocacy in the Community College.”
Cosumnes River College Awarded Major Federal Child Care Grant
Cosumnes River College, along with two other Los Rios colleges, has been awarded a federal grant to support child care and family services on campus. The multi-year grant will support a variety of campus programs at the college’s child development centers.
Comunidad Annual Newsletter
Los Rios Community College District Latinx/Chicanx Professional Affinity Group releases the 2020-2021 edition of its newsletter.
Online Cybersecurity Certificate Program
Cosumnes River College is collaborating on a statewide program for a Cybersecurity Certificate of Achievement.
Response Against Anti-Asian Violence and Hate
Cosumnes River College strongly denounces the escalating and growing anti-Asian hate crimes and violence in California, across the country, and most recently in Georgia since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic last year.
New No Contact Library Lockers
Cosumnes River College is the first college in the Los Rios Community College District to offer a safe, no-contact method of checking out physical library materials utilizing pick-up lockers.
Virtual Blood Drive
Cosumnes River College partners with Vitalant to host a life-saving "virtual" blood drive from February 15 through May 7.
Career Education EXPO
Explore CRC's various career education programs and offerings at a series of Career Education EXPO online events!
Spring 2021 Athletics Update
As a result of public health conditions, Cosumnes River College and the rest of the Los Rios colleges have made the very difficult decision to cancel all early spring sports (including all sports originally scheduled to take place in Fall and Winter seasons).
Recognizing the Importance of Pronouns
The Los Rios Colleges are committed to social justice and recognizes that names and pronouns are an essential part of our identity. All students and employees can now indicate their pronouns and have those appear on rosters and in Canvas.
Cosumnes River College Awarded Title V Grant
Cosumnes River College (CRC) announces a partnership with California LAW that will create a pathway for students to complete their education and enter the legal profession.
CRC Announces Partnership with Cal LAW Pathway Program
Cosumnes River College (CRC) announces a partnership with California LAW that will create a pathway for students to complete their education and enter the legal profession.
Spring 2021 Semester Will Be Online
The spring 2021 semester will again be fully online with only limited exceptions for programs that train first responders or those in areas that have an urgent and significant health and safety impact on our communities.
Career Education EXPO
Explore CRC's various career education programs and offerings at Career Education EXPO!
Los Rios Receives Over $9 Million in Grant Awards
The Los Rios colleges were recently awarded over $9 million in grants to support student success and research in the Sacramento region.
CRC Music Program Creates Unique Series of Events
CRC Music Program Creates Unique Series of Events During Pandemic
Supporting Our International Students
We are deeply concerned for our international students and the impact that the recent decision from the federal government may have. We are working on options to support our international students and protect their ability to continue their education at our college.
Message of Solidarity and Action
Together we stand in solidarity with our Black community, and our students, faculty, staff, and administrators, to fight against systemic inequity, injustice, and racism.
College Center Grand Opening
The newly renovated College Center officially opens March 11.
Textbook Scholarships
The CRC Office of Philanthropy awards 25 $300 textbook scholarships each semester in the form of a gift card to the Hawks Nest College store.
Spring 2020 Class Schedule
CRC's spring 2020 class schedule is now available.
Patrons Scholarship
Patrons Club endows another scholarship for CRC students.
Grant for Incarcerated Students
CRC receives grant to support currently and formerly incarcerated students.
Cosumnes River College Launches New Website
The new Cosumnes River College website is officially live! The website has many new features that are more student-centered and user-friendly.
Fire Technology Program Receives New Fire Truck
The Fire Technology program has received a fire truck to help students prepare for careers in the industry.
Opt-Out Schedule
Higher Education article on Cosumnes River College's new opt-out schedule.
College Center Renovation
The College Center undergoes renovation.