Screen Reader Software
Screen reader software reads aloud everything on the computer screen to the user. The design of screen reader software is to make the computer fully functional without the monitor and mouse and to fully utilize the computer with only the keyboard and speakers/headphones.
Screen reader software is typically for individuals with extremely limited or almost no visual acuity.
JAWS is a screen reader that lets visually impaired or blind people listen to the text on a screen. This happens via speech synthesis or a refreshable Braille display.
All Los Rios enrolled students are licensed to use JAWS at home and on campus. The software may be installed on Windows or Macintosh computers from the Los Rios Hub.
Fusion software combines JAWS screen reading functionality with ZoomText screen magnification functionality into a single installer to provide access to both products as a combined solution.
All Los Rios enrolled students are licensed to use Fusion at home and on campus. The software may be installed on Windows or Macintosh computers from the Los Rios Hub.
Los Rios Hub - Assistive Technology Software