ACT - This site provides a great deal of information about the standardized test. A few practice questions are also provided.
College Board - This site provides a great deal of information about the standardized test. A few practice questions are also provided.
The Princeton Review - An informative and comprehensive internet site, where students can gather information about tests, admissions, internships, and career programs.
- The Princeton Review - An informative and comprehensive internet site, where students can gather information about tests, admissions, internships, and career programs.
- College Net - Assistance in finding information about college searches, recruiting, and college sources. Also helps with financial assistance and scholarships.
- Collegeboard - Provides programs and services in the areas of teaching and learning, assessment, guidance, placement, financial aid, admissions, and enrollment.
- Office of Postsecondary Education - The Department of Education's listing of colleges, business schools, technical schools and historically black colleges.
- UC Admissions - University of California's undergraduate admission information and application network.
- Cal State Apply - Cal State Apply is an online resource designed to help students and their families learn about the CSU system, select a CSU campus to attend, plan to finance higher education, and apply for admission.
- The Common Application - Common App is an undergraduate college admission application that students may use to apply to USF and any of the other 517 member colleges and universities around the world. Common Application provides a number of resources to help students prepare for applying for college.
Mapping Your Future - A wealth of information about career search, college search, financial assistance and scholarship search with lots of good resources available.
Adventures In Education - Online service providing career planning help and information on selecting and paying for college.
US Department of Labor - The Bureau of Labor Statistics is the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.
America’s Career Info Net - Find wages and employment trends, occupational requirements, state by state labor market conditions, millions of employer contacts nationwide, and the most extensive career resource library online.
FAFSA - The Department of Education's web site to apply for federal financial aid.
CSAC - The California Student Aid Commission for state funded financial aid such as Cal Grant.
FinAid - Provides a free, comprehensive, independent, and objective guide to student financial aid.
FastWeb - A financial aid and career Internet site for college students, college-bound students and their parents, and recent college graduates. Database of more than 850,000 college scholarships, awards, grants, and prizes.