The CRC Tutoring Center provides mostly in-person support and online tutoring for students who need academic assistance outside the classroom. Tutoring is conducted by instructor-approved peer tutors. Tutoring services are free to any CRC enrolled student.
Tutoring Information
Great news! You can now schedule an appointment for tutoring support during business hours. Note that you can only make an appointment before 4:30 pm. Any time after 4:30 pm will be on a drop-in only basis.
Learn how you can schedule an appointment for your tutoring session:
At CRC, we understand how important tutors and mentors are to a student’s educational development and that is why we are offering Penji (CRC Online Tutoring). It is a space for students to access tutoring services, submit paper reviews and so much more.
- Penji (CRC Online Tutoring) can be accessed through the web or mobile and is remote-friendly.
- Students who are enrolled at Cosumnes River College can sign up for tutoring services through Penji (CRC Online Tutoring).
- Online tutoring support for the Math Center, Reading Writing Center, Accounting Lab, Tutoring Center, and ESL Lab can be found through Penji (CRC Online Tutoring).
You can access Penji (CRC Online Tutoring) via the website or app.
How to Access Tutors on the Penji Website (CRC Online Tutoring):
- Visit the Los Rios Penji website.
- To ensure you’re in the CRC Tutoring Center community, double-check to see if the top left corner says, “CRC Tutoring Center,” and remember to select Tutoring.
- Click View drop-in tutoring.
- Click Join a class.
- Search for a subject, select the course and click Check in now.
- Type in a topic, assignment, or problem you want help with, and click Check-in.
- Select the tutor if they are ready for you, otherwise you will be placed on the waitlist for them to admit you into the Zoom room.
- Once the tutor is ready for you, a box will appear prompting you to connect with them on Zoom; click Open in Zoom.
- Once you’re in, tutoring will begin.
- Before you leave, remember to check-out by typing in the chat your First Name, Last Name and wID number (example: Jane Doe w123456).
For further assistance, watch the help video below.
Using Penji (CRC Online Tutoring) on the Website:
How to Use Drop-In Tutoring on the Website
How to Download and Access Tutors on the Penji App:
- Download the app and log in with your wID email and password
- Join your campus and courses
- View profiles, chat in-app, and schedule sessions, all with tutors from your school
Penji Student Sign Up on the App:
For exact course offerings, days, times and zoom links, please visit Canvas to get started.
Click the course titles below to access tutoring in Penji.
Spring 2025
- Accounting (ACCT) - All levels
- Art (ART) - 300, 320
- Art History (ARTH) - 311
- Biology (BIOL) - 100, 102, 400, 420, 430, 431, 440
- Chemistry (CHEM) - 300, 305, 400, 401, 420, 421
- Computer Information Science - Programming (CISP) - 300, 360, 400, 430
- Communications (COMM) - 301
- Deaf Culture and American Sign Language Studies (DEAF) - 310, 312, 314
- Early Childhood Education (ECE) - 312
- Economics (ECON) - 302
- English as a Second Language (ESL) - All levels
- Geography (GEOG) - 320
- Nutrition (NUTRI) - 300
- Philosophy (PHIL) - 300
- Photography (PHOTO) - 302
- Political Science (POLS) - 301, 302, 310, 312, 313, 314, 315, 317, 320, 382
- Psychology (PSYCH) - 300, 330
- Sociology (SOC) - 300, 321
- Vietnamese (VIET) - All Levels
Study Skills
- Dealing with Test Anxiety (PDF)
- How to Take Notes (PDF)
- Time Management Tips (PDF)
"While I loved my undergraduate science and math classes, many were very challenging for me. I wanted to do well in my classes, so I frequently sought out tutoring. Having a person or a small group to talk through the concepts with was vital to my success as a biology major. I will always encourage students to seek out whatever support they need to be successful. Always be active and take charge of your education!"
Julie Oliver, Biology Faculty
Front Desk
(916) 691-7425
Ryana Fisher
Tutoring Services Coordinator
(916) 691-7131
Fong Vang
(916) 691-7140
Spring Hours
Monday to Thursday:
9:00 am to 4:30 pm
9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Schedule an in-person appointment
Online (Penji)
Monday to Thursday:
9:00 am to 4:30 pm
5:30 to 8:30 pm
Learning Resource Center, LRC 216