Code of Conduct
A student who enrolls at Cosumnes River College may rightfully expect that students, faculty, and administrators will maintain an environment in which there is freedom to learn.
Student conduct must comply with federal and state laws, college rules and regulations, and Administrative Regulation R-2441: Standards of Conduct. Students who violate such rules and regulations are subject to disciplinary action.
Disciplinary Offenses
Any student found to have committed, or to have attempted to commit, the following misconduct is subject to appropriate disciplinary action:
- Continued disruptive behavior, continued willful disobedience, habitual profanity or vulgarity, or the open and persistent defiance the authority of, or persistent abuse of, members of the college community
- Assault, battery, or any threat of force or violence upon members of the college community
- Willful misconduct which results in injury or death to members of the college community, or which results in cutting, defacing, or other injury to any real or personal property owned by the district
- The use, sale, or possession on campus of, or presence on campus under the influence of, any controlled substance (See alcohol, drug, and smoking policies)
- Willful or persistent smoking in any area where smoking has been prohibited by law or district policy (See alcohol, drug, and smoking policies)
- Persistent, serious misconduct where other means of correction have failed to bring about proper conduct
- Violation of College rules and regulations including those concerning student organizations, the use of college facilities, or the time, place and manner of public expression and distribution of materials
- Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administrative disciplinary procedures or other college activities, including its community service activity, or of other authorized activities on college-controlled premises
- Theft of or non-accidental damage to property of the college or a member of the college community while on campus or at college-sponsored events
- Unauthorized entry to or use of college facilities
- Dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, or furnishing false information to the college; forgery, alteration, or misuse of college documents, records, or identifications (See plagiarism and cheating policies)
- Knowing possession or use of explosives, dangerous chemicals or deadly weapons on college property or at a college function without prior authorization of the college president or designated representative
- Use, possession, distribution or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotics or dangerous drugs on college property or at college-sponsored events (See alcohol, drug, and smoking policies)
- Soliciting or assisting another to do any act which would subject a student to expulsion, suspension, probation or other discipline pursuant to Regulation R-2441: Standards of Conduct
- Violation of any order of a college president, notice of which has been given prior to such violation, and which order is not inconsistent with any of the other provisions of this policy. This notice may be given by publication in the college newspaper, by posting on an official bulletin board designated for this purpose or by any other means reasonably calculated to inform students of its provisions.
- Attempting to commit an act that would be cause for disciplinary action identified above
For additional information on student conduct, please contact the Disciplinary Officer:
Hong Pham, Interim Dean, Counseling & Student Services
Phone: (916) 691-7793