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Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedures

How to File a Complaint

To file a complaint, fill out a Discrimination Complaint Form and submit it to your equity officer. This form is not required and a complaint will not be rejected based on failure to use the form.

For more information or to file a complaint, contact the Cosumnes River College Equity Officer, Alex Casareno at or (916) 568-3063.

Complaint Resolution

If it is determined that misconduct occurred, then Cosumnes River College will take immediate steps to halt misconduct and remedy any effects of that misconduct.

An equity officer will hold an informal conference if the complainant wants to try and resolve the complaint informally. The equity officer will provide information about applicable laws and rules. If an informal resolution is not reached or if the complainant disagrees with the recommendation made, then the complainant may engage in a formal resolution process.