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English as a Second Language (ESL) Course Sequence

Proficiency Level Listening and Speaking Courses Integrated Reading and Writing Courses Grammar Courses Pronunciation Courses
Degree Transfer COMM 301 or COMM 325 ENGRD 310 or 312 and ENGWR 300 N/A N/A
Advanced-Low ESLL 121 (3 units) ESL 130 (6 units) ESLG 120 (3 units) N/A
Intermediate-High ESLL 111 (3 units) ESL 110 (6 units) ESLG 110 (3 units) N/A
Intermediate-Low ESLL 41 (3 units) ESL 47 (6 units) ESLG 41 (3 units) ESLP 41 (3 units)
Novice (Beginning) High ESLL 31 (3 units) ESL 37 (6 units) ESLG 31 (3 units) N/A
Novice (Beginning) Mid ESLL 20 (4 units) ESL 27 (6 units) N/A N/A

While each course has a specific skill focus, listening/speaking, reading/writing, and grammar are critical language skills for English language learners to be successful at school, at work, and in life. Students are expected to use level appropriate listening, speaking, grammar, reading and writing to complete activities, assignments, and exams in every ESL class. The ESL Department recommends that students complete all of the skills courses at one level before they advance to the next level.

Students taking college level courses are expected to have college level English verbal communication, reading, and writing. Students who place below the ESL Advanced-Low level are strongly encouraged to complete the ESL Intermediate-High level before they enroll in content area courses.