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Career and Academic Community Liaison Librarians

Librarians are here to help. We try to keep in close contact with discipline faculty. Our primary goal is to support the learning, instruction, and information needs of your students. Their success often depends on the availability of library resources to support your curriculum.

For new research assignments, we request that you submit a copy of the assignment to your liaison so reference librarians can be prepared for your students' questions.

For new courses, please discuss essential and supplementary library material with the appropriate librarian, as required in Feasibility (Section 14) on SOCRATES.

Purchase requests can be made by filling out the CRC Library Purchase Request form.

Contact your liaison for inter-library loans, online research guides for your classes, specialized library handouts, library research instructional sessions, or a private instructional session for yourself on advanced searching techniques such as how to use the library catalog, how to use a specific research database or how to find Internet resources in your discipline.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch any further questions or ideas you may have. We look forward to collaborating with you!

Liaisons by Career and Academic Community (CAC)