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Sacramento County has experienced over 200 deaths due to opioid overdose each year since 2021, with the death rate continuing to grow each year.1 Fentanyl continues to be a major contributor to drug overdoses in California. Overdose can occur due to misuse of prescription opioid drugs as well as the use of drugs purchased on the street or through social media.

Educate Yourself to Save a Life

Learning how to recognize and respond to signs of opioid overdose can help reduce the number of opioid-related deaths. Educate yourself, peers, students, family members, friends, and colleagues about the dangers of opioid use.

We encourage our Los Rios students and staff to take the following brief online training module to learn more about saving lives from opioid overdose.

Be Prepared

  • Learn about the signs and symptoms of opioid overdose
  • Carry and give Narcan in the event of a suspected opioid overdose
  • Encourage open and honest communication
  • Explain what fentanyl is and why it is so dangerous
  • Don't take drugs that were not prescribed by a doctor
  • Know that no drug purchased on social media is safe – fentanyl has been found in most illegal drugs
  • Create an "exit plan" to help you or your loved one know what to do if they're pressured to use drugs

Get a Free Testing Kit

Students can pick up free Narcan and fentanyl testing strips at Cosumnes River College's Student Health and Wellness Center. Walk-ins are welcome.

Locate Narcan Near You

Emergency Narcan is located next to the automated external defibrillators (AEDs) at all our colleges, centers, and facilities, to use in the event of a suspected opioid overdose.

Narcan nasal spray is used during a suspected opioid overdose and is provided for free through the California Department of Health Care Services Naloxone Distribution Project.

What is Narcan/Naloxone?

Narcan nasal spray is used during a suspected opioid overdose. The California Department of Health Care Services Naloxone Distribution Project provides it for free. Check out How to Use Narcan/Naloxone and Quick Start Guide for Narcan to learn more.

Additional Information